
Preliminary Aboriginal Heritage Test
A Preliminary Aboriginal Heritage Test, sometimes referred to as a Due Diligence Report, or a Cultural Heritage Assessment, is prepared in order to determine the heritage values associated with the subject land, and whether or not an approved Cultural Heritage Management Plan and/or Cultural Heritage Permits are required prior to the commencement of your project.

Cultural Heritage Management Plans (CHMP)
If an approved Cultural Heritage Management Plan is required prior to the commencement of your project, then A. B. Heritage Consulting can manage the entire process. This process usually includes Background Research, Archaeological Assessments, Artefact Analyses, GIS plans and graphics, and Community Consultation.

Cultural Heritage Inductions & Inspections
Our team of Archaeologists and Heritage Advisors offer a range of Cultural Heritage Induction & Inspection services which involve many different processes and activities related to the assessment, documentation, and protection of cultural heritage sites or artefacts.

GIS Services
We have in-house expertise to provide cutting edge GIS services which encompass a range of activities related to the acquisition, management, analysis, and visualization of spatial data. These services play a crucial role by providing a geographic context to information and support important decision-making processes.

Drone, LiDAR, & 3D Imagery
These technologies are frequently used together for tasks such as creating detailed and accurate 3D maps of the environment. We can utilise any combination of these technologies when required to ensure precise mapping in all types of terrain and vegetation.